if you think arthritis is just for the elderly, think again. Over 60% of Canadians with arthritis are under the age of 60. It’s also an equal opportunity condition that affects all races, genders and socio-economic groups. It’s the leading cause of disability for all Canadians over the age of fifteen and takes a huge toll on both our health care system and personal support networks.
So what, exactly, is arthritis?
There are over a hundred different types of arthritis, but all fall into two major groups.
This is the pain that comes from a breakdown of the cartilage in your joints. Cartilage is the connective tissue between your bones that allows joints to bend easily. Over time, cartilage can wear out and when this protective layer disappears, bones rub together causing chronic pain. Osteoarthritis can also occur through injury but is usually the product of aging.
Inflammatory Arthritis
This form of arthritis has nothing to do with your component parts simply wearing thin. Instead, your body’s own immune system is playing havoc with healthy tissues and causing them to become inflamed and painful. Rather than attacking bacteria and viruses, the immune system targets the tissues that line the inside of the joints, causing a loss of cartilage and, eventually, mobility. The most common condition in this group is rheumatoid arthritis, and over 600,000 Canadians have this or some other type of inflammatory arthritis.
The Hidden Cost of Arthritis
Arthritis is about more than living with chronic pain. People with severe arthritis are often unable to work or face limitations in their career choice and opportunities for advancement. Think about things like taking the kids to the park, sitting in a tiny seat for eight hours on a trip to Europe, or trying to reach that itchy spot in the middle of your back. Now think about doing any of those things with inflamed joints and the knowledge that just about any kind of movement will involve pain. Not good.
Unsurprisingly, people with arthritis can become irritable and frustrated by the limitations their condition places on everyday activities. Divorce and depression rates are high, and it can be hard for a partner who doesn’t have arthritis to understand just how overwhelming it is to live with chronic pain. It’s an unwanted companion that inserts itself into every social gathering, family interaction and routine task. And it never takes a day off.
Effective Pain Management
There’s no cure for arthritis, but the condition can be managed. Unfortunately, however, arthritis doesn’t receive the same attention as diseases like diabetes or AIDS, despite being more common than cancer and heart disease combined. Research on arthritis receives less than 10% of the funds spent on cancer research. To make matters worse, the drugs that have been developed to provide relief for arthritis sufferers aren’t always covered by provincial health plans, and access depends very much on where you live.
Which is why home-based, drug-free treatments make so much sense. B-CURE Laser is a home use medical device that works on soft laser technology. the laser penetrates the skin in to the damaged tissue with no heating or cooling effect. The laser combats pain and inflammation by stimulating cellular activity and releasing natural endorphins that relief the pain. Soft laser treatments applied for six minutes, twice a day, have proven effective in relieving the joint pain associated with all types of arthritis.
The B-CURE Laser has Health Canada’s stamp of approval and is safe, portable and easy to use. There are no known side-effects and the technology has been validated in numerous international clinical trials with excellent results.
Developed in Israel, distributed throughout Europe and now available in Canada, B-CURE Laser is the non-invasive treatment option millions of Canadians have been waiting for. If you’re living with arthritis, you know it hurts.
But now, it doesn’t have to. With a 100% money back guarantee, you’ve got nothing to lose but the pain.