Experts from the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) have described pain as “a sensory and emotional, unpleasant experience related to actual or potential tissue damage.” The most common pains are back, knee and neck pain, leg pain, tennis elbow, arthritis and others. The common denominator of these is inflammation, which in most cases, is the cause of pain.
If you suffer from one or more of these types of pain, you probably already take several types of painkillers. The problem with painkillers is that they only alleviate pain, treating the symptom without resolving the cause of the actual problem. Therefore, it is time to get acquainted with Soft Laser technology for the treatment of pain, inflammation and wounds. This form of technology has been widely used in the medical world for the past twenty years, in hospitals, universities, clinics and other institutes. Soft Laser offers research proven efficacy, with no side effects, enhancing the body’s natural healing mechanisms.
What is Soft Laser?
Also known as Cold Laser, the Soft Laser is a low-power light energy with a range of 1-1000mW. The laser is monochromatic, meaning it has one defined wavelength, and coherently advances in one phase and one direction. Soft Laser is applied to the skin and penetrates the tissues without any heating effect and without damaging the skin.
How Does Soft Laser Work?
Soft Laser works at wavelengths of about 800 nanometers, transmitting energy via skin tissues without causing burns or damage to the tissue itself. The transferred energy triggers bio stimulation processes in our bodies encouraging acceleration of the natural healing process, in addition to treating the pain associated with tissue damage and inflammation.
These pain relief and Soft Laser treatment processes work in three ways. The first is the treatment of pain. The use of the Soft Laser increases the release of endorphins, which are naturally released hormones in the brain, that help relieve pain. Increasing the release of endorphins eases the feeling of pain, allowing you to return to your daily routine.
During the treatment for pain relief, the Soft Laser simultaneously treats inflammation, which in most cases, is the main source of pain. Soft Laser dilates blood vessels and lymph ducts, allowing efficient drainage and flushing of the inflamed, swollen area until nerve pressure is reduced. The decrease in inflammatory pressure on the nerve also leads to a decrease in the level of pain, and promotes healing in the affected area. In addition, the laser increases the release of anti-inflammatory enzymes that further promote healing.
Treat the Pain in the Comfort of Your Own Home!
Until recently, Soft Laser treatment was given in private clinics or pain centers. Patients had to wait for their appointment and receive treatment by means of large, complicated machines. However, today, thanks to innovative technological developments, many patients suffering from various types of pain and inflammation can enjoy Soft Laser therapy safely and effectively, without leaving the comfort of their own home.
B-Cure Laser
Introducing B-Cure Laser, a compact home-use medical device that offers Soft Laser therapy, as previously supplied by large machines in pain clinics and hospitals. The size of a TV-remote control, B-Cure Laser provides full 4.5 cm Soft Laser therapy with laser coherence and monochromaticity, using a unique patent. The size of the B-Cure Laser application head allows it to deploy the treatment on a wider tissue area, treating infections, pain and wounds more effectively.
Recently, B-Cure Laser launched an adjustable stand to enhance the comfort and efficiency of the treatment by allowing you to reach difficult areas such as your back and even use the device without having to hold it, during treatment. Treat back, knee, leg or shoulder pain in the comfort of your own home, even while watching TV, without even having to get up off the sofa. The treatment is simple, 6-8 minutes, twice a day according to treatment plan for the area.
Research Proofed
Soft Laser therapy has been used in the medical world for over 40 years. The the field of Soft Laser research and use has grown in recent years and has gained momentum with the advent of home appliances. Many studies have examined the efficacy of technology using home appliances and the recommended treatment levels for the use of patients with these devices. Studies conducted in various universities and hospitals around the world have shown similar results on Soft Laser effectiveness in treating inflammatory pain and stubborn wound treatment.
A study conducted at Sapienza University in Rome, which compared medication for joint pain with B-Care Laser treatment showed interesting results. The study proved that the use of B-Care Laser to relieve arthritic pain was just as effective as drug therapy. Concurrent to these results, unlike painkillers, B-Care Laser offers a completely natural, non-invasive and safe treatment, and most importantly no side effects.
Therefore, it is no surprise that doctors in Israel and around the world are already recommending B-Care Laser to their patients, as part of the treatment options offered for a variety of pain and problems such as knee, back and neck pain, arthritis and more. Currently over 140,000 patients around the world are already enjoying a pain free life thanks to B-Care Laser. Neuropathic pain, resulting from fibromyalgia syndrome, sports injuries and acute pain may also be treated with B-Care Laser.
How Soon Will I Start to Feel The Relief?
Inflammatory processes take a few days to develop and, in the same way take several days to alleviate after starting treatment. Therefore treatment with B-Care Laser requires persistence and patience, there is no magic cure. B-Care Laser treatment transfers energy to deep tissues to expedite the body’s natural healing processes. These processes are individual and the rate differs for each person. In order to obtain maximum results, treatment must be performed at least twice a day.
From our experience, after several treatments, users already feel a significant relief.
The treatment time varies between the type and depth of the injury, due to the level of energy required, and the depth of penetration desired. The deeper the origin of the pain, the longer treatment time is needed to allow maximum penetration and energy transfer. Treatment times range between 2 to 8 minutes at recommended points, depending on the location and origin of the problem. B-Care Laser’s professional team is available for telephone support to help users achieve optimum results